How to configure crtmpserver for live streaming?
It looks like it isn't particularly trivial, however crtmpserver have a tutorial on their wiki here. It looks like you have to configure a lua file and then doing a new cmake of the server. (So very much non-trivial.)
How to set up your own private RTMP server using nginx
2014年3月25日 · A: I've tried crtmpserver (aka rtmpd) before, and it works, but is harder to use. If you need to use RTSP, though, instead of RTMP, then I recommend it, since the nginx RTMP module doesn't do RTSP. Red5 seemed overly complicated and heavy to me, and written in Java...you can use it if you want though. I haven't investigated it deeply.
Streaming with crtmpserver and ffmpeg - Ask Ubuntu
I'm trying to use crtmpserver and ffmpeg (from the mc3man ppa, i'm on ubuntu 14.04) to stream, for now just locally on my machine (to get everything working). I have the default crtmpserver setup, and it is running. Now, i try to stream a flv file using:
Question / Help Crtmpserver forward - OBS
2014年11月12日 · Question / Help Crtmpserver forward. Thread starter Rudolf Patzer; Start date Nov 12, 2014; R. Rudolf ...
All Versions How to set up your own private RTMP server using …
2013年3月18日 · dodgepong submitted a new resource: How to set up your own private RTMP server using nginx - A somewhat advanced guide for Linux-based servers Most people who stream enjoy using services such as Twitch.tv or Ustream to deliver video to viewers, and that works well enough. But sometimes you...
FMLE authentication with OBS
2013年3月25日 · Hi, I've been trying out some rtmp servers for a live streaming test. I found crtmpserver which seems to do what I want but the only problem is that I cant authenticate to it because OBS doesnt support "adobe" FMLE authentication. Would it …
Question / Help Set stream name - OBS
2013年12月23日 · Hi everyone, I will probably ask a stupid question but I want to set the name of my stream. Because, I'm using crtmpserver as RMTP server and on this server the URL is like this: rtmp:///(in this case flvplayback)/flv:.flv And so, if I don't have a stream name, I won't be able to get the stream...
Ability to specify encoder/user agent string | OBS Forums
2015年11月23日 · The issue is that every-time that the obs version changes if using crtmpserver you have to set a new user agent which isn't optimal (and it is worst if running a fresh install of obs from github like i'm doing). If the user agent sent is not registered on the crtmpserver configuration it will not accept the connection.
Question / Help Compatibility with XBMC - OBS
2013年4月11日 · The only way I can think of to do this would be to set up an RTMP server with crtmpserver (rtmpd) and set that as your custom server in OBS. Then set up crtmpserver to serve via RTSP, and set XBMC to point tot hat RTSP stream.
Question / Help Is it possible to stream other streams? - OBS
2013年1月15日 · You would have to set up your own RTMP server (Red5, crtmpserver, nginx with RTMP module, or Wowza, for example) and have your friends stream to that server. Only then could you add their streams as RTMP sources in OBS (or whatever streaming client you wish) by pointing the client at your server.