Pi Villaraza - Innerdance
After a seven-year spiritual journey across Pi Villaraza chanced upon a powerful life-altering healing vibration while living alone on a deserted beach island in Palawan in the Philippine Islands for two years. He calls it innerdance and has since taught many people how to heal themselves and others through this healing energy.
Pi Villaraza - Innerdance Europe
Pi Villaraza . descubrió el don de Innerdance hace muchos años y . desde entonces lo comparte con . el mundo. Tras un viaje espiritual de siete años, Pi encontró una poderosa vibración curativa que le cambió la vida mientras vivía solo en una isla desierta de Palawan, en las Islas Filipinas, durante dos años.
Pi Villaraza (PHI) - Magnesia Festival 2024
A father of two children and writer of two books, Pi is the founder of Maia Earth Village and continuously dedicated to deep ecology, helping to found the Global Ecobricks movement as well as initiate the water birth practice, raw food nutrition, mudhouse building and permaculture lifestyles in the Philippines.
Innerdance - Home
Innerdance Europe. Pi Villaraza experienced after a long pilgrimage a total Reconnection to The Mother, Gaia. This led to the discovery of a powerful healing vibration. Innerdance, trust was born and is now shared as a gift with the world
Pi Villaraza , der Gründer von Innerdance ( Heute auch bekannt als unter anderem Kundalini Activation) , ist ein visionärer Lehrer und spiritueller Führer, der durch seine einzigartige Herangehensweise an Bewusstseinserweiterung und persönliche Transformation weltweite Anerkennung gefunden hat.
innerdance heart - Online Trainings innerdance
Desde hace cuatro años, conecté con esta misteriosa energía, y me sumergí en el estudio y la práctica del innerdance, guiada por Pi Villaraza y la comunidad. Además, llevo enseñando con dedicación la ciencia del yoga y la meditación durante los últimos ocho años.
Formation avancée Innerdance avec Pi Villaraza — PARADOXE …
L'Inner Intensive est un programme d'étude approfondi conçu par Pi Villaraza pour transmettre les principes fondamentaux de l'innerdance. Il offre une perspective unique combinant les enseignements internationaux de Pi et un accompagnement personnalisé en français par Antonia Hauterville, facilitatrice senior européenne formée depuis 2012.
Innerdance: A Transformative Journey to Self-Discovery and …
Innerdance is a transformative healing modality that combines energy healing, meditation, and shamanic practices. Developed by Pi Villaraza from the Philippines, Innerdance aims to help individuals access their inner wisdom and promote self-healing. Sessions may involve a range of physical, emotional, and energetic sensations.
innerdanceuk.co.uk United Kingdom sound meditation trance …
Inner Dance is a transformative process developed by Pi Villaraza in the Phillipines. This powerful process is now spreading across the world. Inner dance uses sound, music and intuitive healing touch to help you remove energy blocks and become the person you were meant to be.
What is innerdance? - Andra Dediu
A Philippino mystic by the name of Pi Villaraza, began this process through a Kundalini awakening when he was abiding on a coconut diet as a hermit on a secluded island for two years. The innerdance is an energetic process where the participants are invited to lay down in sivasana, the traditional yoga posture at the end of a class… and yet ...