Procurify | Best Procurement Application
赞助One procurement platform to rule them all. Say hello to the Procurify Platform. Automate your procurement. Make smarter financial decisions. Manage all spend.Types: Request, Approve, Purchase, Receive, Match & PayAutomate Procurement Processes | Drive Procurement Efficiency
赞助Turn Procurement into a strategic asset through KPMG procurement transformation services. Transform Procurement into a strategic and sustainable competitive differentiator.Drive More Value · Supplier Management · Procurement Big Trends · How To Guide
10 Tips for Better Procurement | 10 Best Procurement Practices
赞助Learn 10 best practices which will help you on the journey to smarter, better procurement. In this whitepaper you'll discover the 10 ways to deliver smarter, better procurement!Service catalog: Procure, Invoice, Expense, Pay, Supply Chain, Supplier Management