    • OKRs & Roadmap Integration | Ideate and Prioritize PM OKRs

      https://craft.io › platform › okrs
      赞助Manage your multi-level OKRs from ideation to execution with Craft.io's built-in solution. Easily connect your OKRs, roadmap and product workflows using Craft.io's built-in solution

      Agile Product Management · Product Roadmap Tool · User Story Mapping

      Types: Product Roadmaps, User Stories, Scrum Management, Sprint Planning
    • Smart People OKR Tracking | Create. Plan. Organize. Track.

      https://clickup.com › projects › management-app
      赞助3,000,000+ teams manage Tasks, Docs, OKRs, and Projects in ClickUp™ to be more productive. An all-in-one suite to manage people, OKRs, projects, and everything in between.

      Does What Others Can't · Go Beyond Spreadsheets · Fully Customizable

      Types: Project Management, Customized Workflows, Productivity App, Task Management