    • Cell Based Assay Platform | Cell-Based Assay Experts

      https://www.bioagilytix.com › assays › cell-based
      赞助Cell-Based Assay Design & Validation Services using Cell Lines or Primary Cells. MoA, NAb, Viral Infectivity, Lot Release, Immunogenicity, Uptake Assessments & More
      Service catalog: Autoimmune Biomarkers, Disease Biomarkers, Metabolic Biomarkers
    • Ready to Use Taqman™ Assays | Thermo Fisher Scientific™

      https://www.thermofisher.com › qPCR › Assays
      赞助Search for assays by keyword, gene symbol or name, RefSeq number, assay ID and more. New to TaqMan Assays or just want step-by-step guidance? Use TaqMan Assay Search Wizard.

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      Models: QuantStudio 6 Pro, QuantStudio 7 Pro, QuantStudio 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 Flex
    • Abcam assays | Cellular Antioxidant assay

      赞助Uncover cellular secrets with Abcam's cellular assay. Gain precise insights in real-time. Wide ranges of functional assays to measure proliferation, metabolism and apoptosis.
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