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2400×1600time.com > Trump,Giuliani argued that Ukraine’s leaders were corrupt,anti-American,but I believe there were other reasons Trump had it in for them. He viewed them as political enemies who had supported Hillary Clinton in 2016,hurting his feelings,engaging his unquenchable thirst for revenge. Trump also hated the Ukrainian government because Putin did. Some have said that Putin has compromising information on Trump,regarding money laundering or prostitutes,but those theories are promoted by people who did not know Trump well. I never saw evidence of that kind. Rather,I think the Russian leader had a lot in common Trump’s father,Fred. Both men were authoritarian leaders who valued ruthlessness,considered it the only way to succeed. I first met Fred when I was selling condos in Brooklyn as a kid,he,Putin struck me the same way. Both men had immense effects on Donald Trump.
- YouTube · GamingPlush64 · 4.7万 次播放 · 2021年6月5日