    • 96-Well Plates In United States | Multicolor Reaction Plates

      96-Well Plates In United States | Multicolor Reaction Plates
      https://www.thermofisher.com › 96WellPlates › 96-Wells
      赞助Thermo Fisher Scientific Is Committed To Pushing Science & Technology a Step Forward. 96-wells plates.

      Easy Online Ordering · Ultimate Performance · Quality Manufacturing

      Brands: Applied Biosystems™, Invitrogen™, Thermo Fisher Scientific™
    • 96 Well Plate | Agilent Technologies

      https://www.agilent.com › well-plates › 96-well-plate
      赞助Ensure each well plate sampler setup is perfectly equipped for all HPLC applications. Multiple well volumes and quantities provide the flexibility needed to suit your needs.

      Optimal lab safety · Maximize lab efficiency · Fast method development · Improve your workflow

      Types: Well plates, PEEK tubing, Capillary tubing, HPLC parts, Solvent bottles