Cd23 | High Purity and Bioactivity | FcRn, FcγR, FcεR
赞助The purity is more than 95% verified by SDS-PAGE and more than 90% verified by SEC-MALS. Binding affinity with antibody verified by SPR&BLI. All protocols offered for free.Types: Recombinant proteins, Biotinylated Proteins, Antibodies, Kits/beads, Cell linesPathPlus™ FCER2/CD23 Antibody | Mouse Monoclonal anti Human
赞助PathPlus™ FCER2/CD23 Antibody LS-B16113 Mouse Monoclonal Human FCER2. Pathologist Validated in IHC. Tested on 20 FFPE Tissues.CD23 Proteins | Recombinant Antigen | High Quality Products
赞助Buy CD23 Antigens. Free technical support. View datasheets. Viral/Bacterial/Tumo/Drugs of Abuse/Parasitic/Fungal Antigens.Various specifications网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名