Why should I choose Ashcroft over a lower-priced option?
Sometimes, you may find a lower-cost solution than an Ashcroft instrument. But is the lower-cost solution really better? We believe the answer is no. Our...
广告Accurate & Dependable PressureTransmitters. Contact Ashcroft® to Find the Right Fit. Explore a Wide Selection of PressureTransmitters and Transducers by Ashcroft®.
https://www.aalborg.com › 100 to 150 ms › response time
广告Complex self diagnostics, status LED or OLED indication. Low differentialpressure models. Standard accuracy +/- (0.5% RD + 0.2% FS), two programmable totalizers, optional MODBUS.
Brands: Aalborg's differential, pressure mass/volumetric, top multi-gas controllers