How much in advance of our stay in March should we purchase tickets?
TA tells me I am in the top 1% of Contributors, with nearly 1k reviews and 5k Photographs. Not sure I believe them, but I have had an active 9 years. Joining in January 2016. Think it …
TA tells me I am in the top 1% of Contributors, with nearly 1k reviews and 5k Photographs. Not sure I believe them, but I have had an active 9 years. Joining in January 2016. Think it applies to much of SM, not just TA. I think most of those who use SM have a sub 50 IQ, like Humpty Dumpty Trumpty. The vast majority of questions can be answered by looking at the Website of the Hotel / Restaurant. Last resort, pick up the Phone. Calls via WhatsApp are FREE to anywhere in the world. Hayling Seagoon
My wife and I are arriving in the port of Bilbao at 8:00 AM on Thursday September 14. What time will the museum open that day? What is the best/quickest way to get to and from the museum? Does the museum offer its own private tours and, if so, what is the cost for 2 people?
Want to know what cruise company we used? Rad my review of Guggenheim Bilbao where I do mention the name. Our ship was Sirena. We bought entry tickets to Guggenheim at the …
Want to know what cruise company we used? Rad my review of Guggenheim Bilbao where I do mention the name. Our ship was Sirena. We bought entry tickets to Guggenheim at the door. There 2-3 other people ahead of us.