Which PneumaCult™ media should I use for generating primary lung organoids?
The PneumaCult™ product line consists of robust cell culture media for culturing human airway and alveolar epithelial cells. For establishment and differentiation of airway organoids derived …
The PneumaCult™ product line consists of robust cell culture media for culturing human airway and alveolar epithelial cells. For establishment and differentiation of airway organoids derived from human bronchial...
广告Explore studies on organoid applications for researching human health and disease. Receive a free wallchart on dynamic modeling in organoids, produced by CellStem Cell.
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广告New technology - activating autologous own stemcells and replacing the damaged cells. Treatment with the new technology. Proven results. Higher success rate.
Service catalog: Own autologous, Platelet-rich plasma —prp, SC from the fat