American Radon Mitigation specializes in lowering your radon levels as much as possible. We will never be the cheapest solution, we want to be your best solution. Radon is a naturally occurring gas …
American Radon Mitigation specializes in lowering your radon levels as much as possible. We will never be the cheapest solution, we want to be your best solution. Radon is a naturally occurring gas created when radioactive uranium breaks down in the soil. It is the leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers. The average Minnesota home as a radon level of 4.4 pCi/L. That’s the equivalent of your family smoking about half a pack of cigarettes a day! Testing is the only way to find out if your home has elevated levels of radon. If you have unsafe levels, protect the one you love by installing a radon mitigation system.
I am purchasing a home that has tested high for radon. How can I be certain the seller will choose a quality contractor?
Sellers often pay closer attention to cost than quality when making this decision. Many do not keep the buyer’s best interest in mind. American Radon Mitigation is not...