In addition to these committees, nonprofit groups that do not have to file with the Federal Election Commission and other super PACs have spent at least $65 million more on television advertising ...
The arguably most damaging verbal flub of the 2012 election season — Mitt Romney's covertly recorded comments to wealthy donors that 47 percent of Americans are government-addicted moochers ...
Data in 2012 were collected by Edison Research for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, The Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News. The results are based on ...
The 2012 elections surprised both sides and hit a reset button on the Obama administration – and American politics. Here are 10 conclusions: 1. So much for Citizens United destroying the fabric ...
1 of 6 'Trump Train' drivers liable in Biden bus blockade Speed Read Only one of the accused was found liable in the case concerning the deliberate slowing of a 2020 Biden campaign bus The Week is ...
New Hampshire Republicans, David Cameron and Angela Merkel reaction to Obama re-election. Duration: 0:59 Montage of 5 live US Election coverage Audio chronology of 5 live US Election coverage ...
But nearly simultaneous elections will occur in late 2012, creating the rare possibility that the two countries will undergo concurrent leadership transitions. In recent years, the pendulum swing ...
RCP Average 9/15 - 9/28 47.4 44.4 Clinton +3.0 ...
Prior to the election, experts unanimously predicted the Saenuri Party would again suffer defeat following their loss in the October 2011 by-election for the mayor of Seoul.
President Hamid Karzai has said in the past that the outcome would have little impact on Afghanistan as the US strategy towards the country was already set.
"We have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America the best is yet to come," President Barack Obama has been re-elected to a ...