Our most familiar image of the dung beetle shows one of them rolling a finely shaped ball of dung to a hiding place where it ...
Discovering beetles in your home is far from ideal. Whether they are damaging your carpets, raiding your pantry, or just making an unwelcome appearance, beetles are pests that many homeowners ...
Some insects are valued for their high protein content and nutritional benefits. From ants to scorpions, here are some edible ...
Another insect you might attract through your efforts is the Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridi), which can be easily mistaken for a ladybug. While these insects can provide much of the same ...
Bombardier beetles have the infamous ability to synthesize and release rapid bursts of stinky, burning-hot liquid from their rear ends. These noxious emissions can kill other insects, or startle ...
Beetles are at the heart of many ways we take inspiration from nature. Here are some examples. The fogstand beetle lives in the Namib Desert, where the average rainfall is 14mm a year and survives ...
Seasonal changes, such as cooler temperatures, often drive insects like hackberry psyllids and Asian lady beetles to seek ...
There are around 400,000 known species of beetle with new specimens being discovered every year. As this huge insect group grows, it seems entomologists have been competing to choose the most ...
There are three native species in Britain of the Anthrenus genus, of which the varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, is a common house and museum pest. It is a small (1.5-3.5 mm) and round beetle ...