The tiger is the biggest species of cat on the planet. In Northeast Asia, they tend to be larger with longer hair, while tigers on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, tend to be smaller and are found in ...
tigers, and leopards. However, the world of wild cats also includes fascinating smaller species that many of us are unaware of. Interestingly, some of these cats are even smaller than the average ...
This summer, we’ll look at three shark species with notorious reputations: tiger sharks, great whites and oceanic whitetips. We’ll meet scientists who are shedding new light on these enigmatic ...
Well, they're Amur tigers, their names are Bodhana and Kuma, and they've just returned to Kazakhstan after their species has been extinct from the area for over 70 years. In a historic ...
With its wide mouth charmingly outlined in yellow, the California tiger salamander always looks like it's smiling. But this beautiful amphibian is a discriminating species that can only thrive in ...