在国内经常出现一架注册号为VP-CMA的飞机,VP-C是开曼群岛飞机的国籍代码。这是一架波音737 MAX8 BBJ公务机,是波音737-8MAX的客机豪华私人飞机版本。没错,就是现在很多人还在诟病那个波音737 MAX客机,看来人的认知也存在受限的结界。忽然想起郭麒麟的那个段子“我们的快乐你想象不到……”到底是谁的的呢,我也没搞清楚。留言区不吝赐教。
Discover the luxurious Boeing Business Jets, from the BBJ 737 to the VIP 747, tailored for elite travelers, governments, and ...
中国航空新闻网讯:据“简单飞行”网站3月18日报道,埃塞俄比亚航空集团将引进一架波音BBJ 2公务机,专门用于运营VIP运输及专业包机服务。该公司表示,这款基于737-800打造的BBJ 2公务机,将助力其更好地服务于商界及其他寻求高端包机服务的客户 ...
The BBJ 737 MAX is the latest iteration of Boeing's highly successful BBJ series, originating from the 737-700 platform. The ...
The first BBJ was based on the 737-700 and was first flown in 1998. At the time, the unfurnished 19-seat model cost $33.8 million and furnished between $40 and $45 million. The new price was $71 ...
Ethiopian Airlines is set to roll out the red carpet for VIPs, investors, and diplomats following the arrival of its new ...