快科技3月25日消息,苹果正在全力提升iPhone搭载的A系列处理器性能,2026年苹果将推出的iPhone 18系列,并搭载搭载A20处理器,该处理器将采用台积电 ...
据悉,明年发布的iPhone 18系列手机将采用台积电第三代3nm工艺制造A20芯片。分析师Jeff Pu指出,该工艺预计也会应用于iPhone 17系列的A19和A19 Pro芯片。
You might want to hold off upgrading your iPhone until 2026 in order to buy a model that offers improved performance and ...
The isn’t even out yet and already we’re getting word about the following model and signs suggest the is worth waiting for.