Officers arrested Flores around 3 p.m. March 28 during a traffic stop. Police then searched Flores’ home in the 600 block of ...
当时负责承接AK-47生产线的是626 厂(现为国营庆华工具厂) 。在苏联技术专家带着AK-47型步枪的设计图纸抵达626 厂后,626 厂厂长孙云龙眼前一亮,对AK-47的结构大为赞赏, 一连说了好几句“好枪”。
The boss of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has never set foot in a Mexican prison, and is defined by the legend of a drug trafficker who rose from the bottom, relying more on violence than on osten ...
A loaded AK-47 was seized after a 23-year-old Piscataway man was arrested on Monday, March 24, for numerous traffic ...
The Federal Capital Territory Police Command has intercepted a large cache of live ammunition cleverly concealed in jerrycans ...
虎扑03月23日讯 爵士官方更新Ins,晒出一组前NBA球员安德烈-基里连科的照片与球迷分享。“当安德烈-基里连科回来时,大家总是非常的开心!”爵士官方附文道。安德烈-基里连科曾在爵士效力了10个赛季 ...
Rochester police say Barrows was arrested around 11:30 pm on June 30, 2024. Someone approached an officer and said they saw a ...
Lincoln police seized two guns, including an AK-47, after a report of gunshots Saturday night. As a result of the incident, police arrested a 20-year-old town resident, and they are now looking for a ...
Paul K. Mitchell, 41, narrowly missed a 2-year-old and an infant in the apartment below his, a prosecutor said.