在持续巩固ALD设备领域绝对领先地位的同时,公司通过"ALD+CVD"双技术平台协同发展策略,加速构建多元化产品矩阵。其自主研发的高温PECVD设备,填补了国内关键技术空白,推出不到一年时间,经过不断迭代优化,销量已经取得了骄人的成绩。根据SEMI最新数据 ...
However, the PECVD process is “soupy” – precursors ... The secret to gaining improved control was to split the deposition process into half-reactions, each of which can be well-controlled. The ALD ...
SOLAYER GmbH is a German-based surface technology company specialized in thin-film coating and layer modification. We develop and manufacture tailor-made equipment and processes based on magnetron ...
CVD techniques, such as plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD) and low-pressure CVD (LPCVD), enable the deposition of high-quality, conformal films with excellent step coverage. ALD is a highly precise and ...