在它们的细胞膜上存在一种特殊的ATP运输蛋白,通过等量交换ATP及其水解产物ADP(核苷二磷酸)加磷酸根(Pi),持续从宿主细胞获取能量,确保自身生存繁殖。 有趣的是,类似的ATP运输蛋白也存在于植物叶绿体中。叶绿体负责植物光合作用,是氧气和有机物的 ...
A recent study by Chinese scientists has revealed the intricate molecular machinery driving energy exchange within chloroplasts, shedding light on a key event in the evolution of plant life. Led by ...
在低ATP转化率时,亦可得到高强度信号:用户可以检测更接近于真实生理条件的激酶活性。这使该试剂盒非常适合于低活性激酶,比如受体酪氨酸激酶。 灵敏:该试剂盒可检测浓度最低为20 nM的ADP,比其它试剂盒需要更少的酶,节省成本。 通用:该试剂盒几乎可 ...
ATP works by losing the endmost phosphate group when instructed to do so by an enzyme. This reaction releases a lot of energy, which the organism can then use to build proteins, contact muscles, etc.
ATP works by losing the endmost phosphate group when instructed to do so by an enzyme. This reaction releases a lot of energy, which the organism can then use to build proteins, contact muscles, etc.
1a). Standard curves are generated to mimic ADP generation during an enzymatic reaction: total adenosine concentration (ATP plus ADP) is kept constant for each sample while the percentage of ADP ...