An abstract is a summary of a piece of academic writing. The abstract appears in multiple locations, including at the start of a publication, in conference proceedings, and in electronic databases.
Submitting articles to a journal Applying for a research grant Submitting an abstract to a conference Writing your dissertation A well-crafted informative abstract serves as a summary of the work ...
If you ever write any sort of research paper, you are likely to need an abstract. But what is an abstract for? What should go into one? What makes one effective? This resource will provide a brief ...
Below you will find a few suggestions for how to strengthen your writing during the revision process. You wrote that your major concerns with your paper were "abstract prose" and "elementary points ..
The body of the abstract briefly frames the researched issue, succinctly describes the performed research, and outlines the findings and general conclusions without going into too many details or ...
The purpose of an abstract is to convince a fellow scientist to actually read your paper or come to your talk. In today’s competitive, information-overloaded scientific environment, being able to ...