K.P. Cross Academy includes downloadable how-tos and informational videos for select strategies, as well as specific strategies for teaching during a pandemic. Consider the core elements of active ...
Here are a few popular strategies for introducing active learning into large classes: Instructors teaching in-person courses can consider leveraging the physical space of their classroom to promote ...
Think about your teaching style and check off the activities you've tried before or are interested ... Explore these strategies and find what works best for your course! Explore other active learning ...
After teaching students about a particular skill or concept, ask them to spend five minutes working to solve a practice problem, or a question from last year’s problem set, in groups of three students ...
Peer instruction - Students teach another student about a given topic or ... deduction and logical order thinking. Quick write strategies - Students reflect and write on their learning at the start or ...
Students sometimes resist active learning, but the more they participate and learn, students begin to see the benefits and even enjoy a more lively class. University of Michigan’s Center for Research ...
Below is a list of Active Learning Classrooms along with a brief list of teaching strategies that complement these spaces. If you would like more information about how to implement any of these ...
There are many active learning modalities informed by different teaching and learning traditions. We envision these modalities on a spectrum. This spectrum can be rearranged depending on the quality ...
Active learning at RIT supports and promotes a student’s intellectual growth. By replacing the more passive traditional “sage on the stage” with formative student engagement through peer and ...
We've created the next generation of active learning spaces. And we are here to support you in adopting and employing student-centered learning pedagogies to enabling collaborative, team based, ...
A vexing challenge in calculus instruction – and across the STEM disciplines – is broad adoption of active learning ...
Enabling all new and most existing STEM teaching faculty and teaching assistants to become trained in best practices and active learning strategies by 2022 by providing time and support, adequate ...