Right now, Hawaii’s legal limit for blood alcohol content stands at .08, which is in alignment with most of the country. Depending on a number of factors like gender, and weight, reaching ...
HONOLULU (Island News) -- A bill to lower the legal blood alcohol concentration ... hopes Hawaii will take charge with a proven economic benefit of lowering the limit "Sales in Utah, which ...
of Hawaii voters support lowering the blood alcohol content limit for alcohol-impaired driving from 0.08 percent to 0.05 percent. “A 0.05 BAC is supported by strong research evidence and is ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A report from the Hawaii Alcohol Policy Alliance showed ... The U.S. is in the minority worldwide with its 0.08% BAC limit, with the exception of Utah where the legal ...
Utah has the lowest blood alcohol limit in the country. The state lowered the limit to 0.05 in 2018, which made Utah the only state to not have a baseline BAC of 0.08. At least four more states — ...
McKechnie calls the proposed legislation a necessary change, with a proven track record. Utah reduced their BAC limit for ...