Medically reviewed by Lindsay Cook, PharmDMedically reviewed by Lindsay Cook, PharmD Low alkaline phosphatase (ALP) can be a sign of several different conditions, including thyroid disease ...
This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section. The occurrence of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) that hydrolyses organic phosphorus into phosphate (PO₄) is commonly related to PO₄ ...
SINCE Gomori 1 and Takamatsu 2 adopted a histochemical test for the demonstration of alkaline phosphatase, many investigators have examined the distribution of the enzyme in animal tissues ; the ...
Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 56, No. 4 (2011), pp. 1244-1254 (11 pages) We characterized alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity (APA) and report AP kinetic parameters in the North and South Pacific ...
IN algae it is considered that the oxidative assimilation of hexose follows the same glycolytic pathway as in higher organisms, and that these substances after dephosphorylation yield hexose ...
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): ALP, a membrane-bound glycoprotein involved in phosphate metabolism, has several isozymes (intestinal, placental, germ-cell, tissue-nonspecific). Subnormal ALP levels ...