Invasive ant species are becoming a problem, however, with research showing that over 500 species of ants were found in countries where they aren’t native, having hopped a ride with humans ...
If you weighed every human and all the ants, the scales would balance ... fungal strains or pests from their precious crop. Other ant species herd aphid 'cattle', which they eat and also milk ...
Of the more than 12,000 known species of ants living all around the world, about 1,000 can be found in North America. Scientists believe that ant colonies have roamed the planet since the early-to ...
Some families of caterpillars (larvae of butterflies and moths) have developed a specific kind of interaction with ants. One ...
A newly discovered ant species has a particularly moody name: Sericomyrmex radioheadi. Scientists named the fungus-farming ant to honor both the music and climate change activism of British rock ...