In a day filled with shocking and unexpected reveals for the various Pokemon titles, Pokemon Day still managed to catch the ...
A Pokemon fan gives Diglett and Dugtrio an adorably sad Water-type makeover with a heartwarming message behind their artwork.
Only 18 Generation 1 Pokemon have Alolan forms, including Raichu, but Pikachu never received one. Alolan forms were inspired by Hawaii's climate in Generation 7 games. Pokemon fans create custom ...
Originating from the Alola region, which was inspired by the Hawaiian Islands, Gen 7 introduced 86 new Pokémon, along with 18 Alolan variants, when Pokémon Sun and Moon were released.
Alolan Exeggutor will have a Dragon Tera Typing for this event in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. With the typing being a part of Alolan Exeggutor's base form, this should not prove too challenging ...