Archaeologists in Egypt have made a discovery of a 2,500-year-old collection of gold jewelry and amulets in the Temples of ...
DR JOANN FLETCHER:Welcome to Pa-Demi, an ancient Egyptian village where nobody's lived for over 3,000 years. An yet, believe it or not, it was once really busy, teeming with life, a very noisy ...
Upon investigation, experts examined the damaged hieroglyphs on a chest found inside. This revealed the name of Princess ...
A unique opportunity to test ancient Egyptian perfumes is underway in an exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir ...
Ancient Egyptians believed they would be judged by ... people had their own local gods and goddesses and those worshipped in one village can be very different from the next village.
They are so iconic, so astonishingly ancient ... Egypt’s late period. Archaeological Museum, Bologna. The step pyramid stands over pharaoh Djoser’s funerary complex in Saqqara (right). Both ...
The joint French-Swiss archaeological team was working in Saqqara, an Egyptian village that contains the ancient burial grounds of Egyptian royalty, including several pyramid complexes.
Egyptian officials announced Tuesday the discovery of the tomb of King Thutmose II, the last of the lost tombs of the kings of ancient Egypt's Eighteenth Dynasty, which reigned for over two ...