Those who travel to the Yucatán Peninsula will recognize the beautiful temple complexes and ruined cities of the Ancient Maya. Peaking in the Maya Classic Period of 250-900 CE, this civilization was ...
Warfare and trade were important aspects of Maya society and so was art and architecture. This is the ancient city of Tikal. 1300 years ago it would have been called 'Yax Mutal' and was home to ...
Throughout history, clean and potable water has been ... And this isn’t a modern problem: good water supplies and the most successful ancient cultures go hand in hand.
Before the ancient Mayans dominated what is now the Yucatan Peninsula, their predecessors constructed a network of fishing canals. The ancient Mayan canal network dates back to 4,000 years ago, making ...
Finally, he draws lessons from the history of the Classic Maya cities for contemporary society and for the ongoing struggles and resurgence of the modern Maya peoples, who are now re-emerging from six ...
Centuries earlier, had Maya ... of ancient structures, promontories, and wells in the Chichén Itzá region. De Anda also had the cooperation of the National Institute of Anthropology and History.