The Roman historian Velleius Paterculus (born 20/19 BC) called the Olympic games "the most celebrated of all contests in sports." Current research suggests the ancient games probably ended in the ...
Over time, the Roman influence led to the gradual decline of nudity in athletic competitions. By the time of the later ...
Dr Judith Swaddling is an Assistant Keeper in the Greek and Roman Department at the British Museum. She is author of The Ancient Olympic Games, a guide to both the games and the site of ancient ...
Rome owed the Olympics. It was a Roman emperor, Theodosius II, who had brought the ancient Olympics to an abrupt halt in 393AD because he considered them to be pagan. Fittingly, the Romans blended ...
ANCIENT OLYMPIA, Greece--Even without the help of Apollo, the flame that is to burn at the Paris Olympics was kindled Tuesday at the site of the ancient games in southern Greece. Cloudy skies ...