A rogue planet, also known as an interstellar planet, nomad planet, free-floating planet or orphan planet, is a planetary-mass object that orbits the galaxy directly.
It’s been a while since we’ve heard about that made-up rogue ... if another world were to be added to our solar system. In particular, a new study looks at what it would mean for our planet ...
It depends on how close it came to any planets. Venus, which is roughly Earth-sized, sometimes gets to within 0.3 astronomical units (45,000,000 km) of Mercury and causes tiny but measurable ...
A new study has looked into the possibility that our Solar System could capture and provide a home for a rogue planet as they hurtle through the galaxy, alone. In 2017, astronomers at the Pan ...
According to a research note in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, our solar system can capture an interstellar object (ISO) or a rogue planet, which could lead to a significant change ...