The way particles interacted while the universe was forming seconds after the Big Bang could explain why the universe exists the way it does – a physicist explains matter-antimatter asymmetry.
According to the standard model of cosmology, after the Big Bang the young cosmos was a roiling plasma broth of matter and antimatter particles that popped into existence and annihilated each ...
Antimatter — the mysterious substance that's the mirror opposite of matter in most ways — falls downward in gravity like everything else in the universe, a team of physicists reported ...
Dr Bertsche explains: “A long-standing challenge for physicists has been to explain why matter, rather than antimatter, survived the Big Bang. “Current theories suggest that our world should be equal ...
cast light on why the universe is made up almost entirely of matter, even though equal amounts of antimatter should have been produced in the Big Bang," the group said. Jeffrey Hangst, a ...
Ask someone how the universe began and they will probably reply with those three familiar words: the big bang. But as recently as the 1960s, cosmologists hotly debated this matter. On the other ...