CHILD #1:Why do they cut the leaves? ADAM:Yeah they're leaf cutting ants, they're not leaf eating ants. What they're actually doing is taking these leaves back into the nest and once they're there ...
What ants eat and what eats ants. videoWhat ants eat and what eats ants Young scientists draw lines connecting photos of different animals, according to whether they eat or are eaten by another ...
Ants communicate and cooperate by secreting pheromones, or scent chemicals, that can alert others to danger or lead them to a promising food source. They typically eat nectar, seeds, fungus ...
A velvet ant bite like “hot oil from the deep fryer” delivers an array of peptides that inflicts pain on insects and mammals alike.
Tarantulas are hairy so that the army ants cleaning their homes don't eat them alive, a new study suggests. The study, ...
Ants protect these pests by fending off their predators. However, some aphids won't produce honeydew for the ants and in that situation the ants may eat them. Some ants, including yellow meadow ants, ...
Ant-eating spiders represent a fascinating group of predators that have developed specialized hunting strategies to capture their often dangerous prey. These spiders, particularly from families ...