Orangutans are great apes, our closest living relatives on earth ... cooked pancakes and brushed their teeth. Although these feats are impressive in and of themselves, simply listing them gives ...
Studying the teeth of Danuvius led the researchers to reassess the 2011 finds, and a second mystery tooth had also been found in 2017. The fossils represented an additional ape, Buronius ...
Unlike gorillas and chimpanzees—fellow great apes that live in groups and can be followed and observed relatively easily—orangutans live mostly solitary lives. They spend nearly all their time ...
The Piltdown fossils, including a portion of the skull, a jawbone, and a few teeth, were found in 1911 ... the jawbone was found to be that of a modern ape -- orangutan, most likely -- that ...
The name orangutan, translated in Malay, means “person of the forest.” Unfortunately, that forest has been shrinking rapidly, putting the great ape critically close to extinction. Orangutans ...