The serene Sangestar Tso, popularly known as Madhuri Lake, is located in Arunachal Pradesh's Tawang district. Formed by an earthquake, it gained fame after the Bollywood movie Koyla was shot here.
It carves its way through the picturesque landscapes of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam ... The Narmada is revered as a sacred river and is home to the famous marble rocks at Bhedaghat in Jabalpur.
Six people, stranded on an island in the Siang river in Arunachal Pradesh, were rescued on Wednesday, police said. They had gone to collect stink bugs from the island in East Siang district using ...
The dam is to be built at a huge gorge in the Himalayan reaches where the Brahmaputra River makes a huge U-turn to flow into Arunachal Pradesh and then to Bangladesh.Mao said China’s hydropower ...