新款iX3将在即将举行的IAAMobility展会上全球首发,随即于匈牙利进入生产。宝马首次采用以“软件定义汽车”为理念的Neue Klasse平台,突破了传统燃油车架构的束缚,展现出强大的可持续升级能力。值得注意的是,新平台通过分区架构设计,减少了约600米的布线长度,使整车更轻、更高效。
Neue Klasse平台的核心亮点在于其“软件定义汽车”的理念。iX3及其后续车型将支持无线更新、智能手机深度集成,并具备持续进化的能力。得益于分区架构设计,新平台的布线长度减少了约600米,重量更轻,效率更高。此外,iX3还将首次搭载“超级大脑”四核计算系统和“Heart of Joy”动力传动管理系统。尽管这些名字听起来有些陌生,但它们背后却蕴藏着宝马最新的尖端技术。
BMW is following its teaser for the next-generation iX3 by revealing prototypes of the upcoming i3, which was previewed by ...
日前,我们从相关渠道获取了一组全新宝马i3的最新谍照,新车预计将于2026年发布,代号为NA0,定位中型轿车,基于Neue Klasse平台打造,采用纯电动力。
Testing of the BMW iX3 is in full swing, BMW's CEO Oliver Zipse said at the event today. That includes benchmarking in ...
日前,一组全新宝马i3的谍照曝光,新车代号为NA0,定位中型轿车,基于Neue Klasse平台打造,采用纯电动力。 回顾此前的谍照,新车将采用宝马最新的Neue ...
宝马汽车近日曝光了其全新纯电动中型轿车——宝马i3的最新谍照,这款代号为NA0的新车预计将于2026年正式面世。作为宝马Neue Klasse平台上的又一力作,i3无疑承载着品牌对未来电动出行的深刻理解和期待。
With their debut just around the corner, BMW is giving us a closer look at the upcoming i3 and iX3 as it wraps up testing. BMW’s new i3 and iX3 EVs are coming soon The first Neue Klasse model ...
The independent study features similar styling details to BMW‘s Vision Driving Experience prototype. The first Neue Klasse model, the iX3 SUV, is set to launch later this year with the i3 sedan ...
The BMW i3 is part of the new wave of electric and hybrid cars that are becoming more and more popular in the U.S. The i3 has relatively compact external dimensions, but still has a very usable cabin ...