枫糖尿病(MSUD)通常是由编码支链 α- 酮酸脱氢酶 E1α 亚基(BCKDHA)或 E1β 亚基(BCKDHB)的基因突变引起的。目前,其治疗手段仅有严格控制饮食或异体肝移植。 在本研究中,研究人员设计了一种由双向启动子驱动、包含 BCKDHA 和 BCKDHB 的单基因替代构建体 ...
A gene therapy to correct a mutation that causes maple syrup urine disease prevented newborn death and normalized growth in a calf as well as in mice.
New gene therapy for maple syrup urine disease shows promise in preventing deadly symptoms in cows and offers hope for patients.