Crossbreeding Holsteins with beef breeds improves the meat quality without affecting milk production. Jim said beef-on- dairy can improve marbling, average daily gain, yield grade and quality grade.
Some contend that smaller cows are more efficient. They need less feed (so the same number of acres can pasture more cows) ...
For beef cattle producers, maximizing the performance and profitability of their herds is always a top priority.
Calf and feeder cattle prices have been much more active in the past three weeks with two market-moving events, including ...
With flat pricing dominating sales discussions with farmers, it is clear that the quest for numbers/meat volume is the main ...
Rather than focusing breeding goals on being heavily terminal or primarily maternal, sexed semen allows commercial herds of ...
Out of a total slaughter of 120 head of "lumpy jaw" and otherwise infected cattle, only twelve carcasses were condemned ... 129,600 pounds of "lumpy jaw" beef. View Full Article in Timesmachine ...
Crossbreeding is one of the most underexploited breeding tools in the beef industry. The industry’s recent push for larger ...
UK meat producers have started sending carcasses to the EU for butchering ... say producers are sending beef to the Republic of Ireland amid local shortages of butchers. Meanwhile, pork producers ...
For good flavour and nutrition, a beef marrow bone is a great addition to this bone broth. Make up the rest with chicken carcasses from roasts or lamb bones, which are also good for a rich flavour.