(法新社照片) (曼谷26日综合电)缅甸克伦边防军(BGF)早前对缅甸妙瓦底水沟谷镇电信诈骗中心和“KK园区”进行扫荡,对逮捕和控制的外国人 ...
The BGF's bid to accept more fighters and pictures showing BGF army exercises demonstrates howworried Saw Chit Thu is about the current situation. Needlesss to say, crackdowns on Chinese criminals ...
A senior official of a Myanmar militia called BGF spoke to NHK on Sunday. The BGF raided a site known as KK Park on Saturday. It is known as a hub for human trafficking, online fraud and other ...
MYAWADDY – Border Guard Force (BGF) and Karen Democratic Buddhist Army (DKBA) troops have detained over 7,000 foreign nationals from 30 countries during a month-long crackdown on call center ...
(Photo courtesy of BGF officials)(Kyodo ... The Karen Border Guard Force and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army conducted rescue operations in areas under their control near Thailand, the sources ...