2025年3月17日,缅甸克伦边防军(BGF)通过泰国当局将在诈骗公司工作的400名印度尼西亚公民和14名斯里兰卡公民移交给各自国家驻泰国使馆相关负责人,并协助遣返回国。 据BGF指挥部的消息人士透露,这些外国人原本在妙瓦底一带的诈骗公司工作,由缅甸国管委下属部门进行身份核查后,再由BGF送往泰国境内,最终由各国使馆安排接回原籍国。
YANGON: A total of 7,968 foreign nationals have been repatriated to their home countries in the past 30 days since the launch ...
越南民航局提议修订国内民航规定,允许自4月30日起进口 中国商飞 飞机。因未获美欧适航许可, 中国商飞 飞机在 越南 执飞面临合规问题,修订尚待高层批准。目前,越南市场由 波音 和 空客 主导,越南有意引入新竞争者,同时考虑增加波音采购,以平衡美越 ...
According to the retail industry on the 24th, BGF Retail, which operates the convenience store CU, activated 'BGF Bridge,' a ...
Maxion Therapeutics Raises $72 million (£58 million) in an Oversubscribed Series A Financing to Advance its KnotBody® ...
Consider adding these three top-ranked, best-performing and well-managed mutual funds to your retirement portfolio if you are looking to maximize returns. Consider adding these three top-ranked ...
When asked what piece of advice he would give to businesses thinking about securing private equity investment, Aman Chahal - chief executive of TaperedPlus - said: "Be thoroughly prepared." ...
These three top-ranked, best-performing and well-managed funds can help you maximize your retirement portfolio returns. Consider adding these three top-ranked, best-performing and well-managed mutual ...