Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Sunday participated in the Bhasma Aarti at the Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, and sought blessings from Baba Mahakal (Lord Shiva). Speaking to ANI, ...
Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Following the tradition of celebration Diwali at Mahakaleshwar temple, a special divya deep aarti and special Bhasma aarti of Baba Mahakal (Lord Shiva) was performed amid ...
Singer B Praak attended the Bhasma Aarti at the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain, where he had a memorable experience. He also mentioned that his upcoming bhajan, dedicated to Mahakal, reflects this ...
Singer and music composer B Praak shared his spiritual experience after attending the Bhasma Aarti at the Shri Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain. Praak, known for his contributions to the Punjabi and ...