in the way that the Hebrew Bible detailed. That was quite an interpretive problem for the early Christians.... Most of the early Christians certainly would think that the gospel stories happened.
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How Jesus's childhood influenced the Gospels Culture People in the Bible How Jesus's childhood influenced the Gospels How Jesus's childhood influenced the Gospels Mary and Joseph were tested by a ...
These gospels were some of the many alternative books about Jesus that weren't included in the Christian Bible. They had been side-lined by the early church as it worked out what became the ...
He gives us fewer stories than the other gospels, but those he does present are rich with detail. Scenes in John that are not in the synoptics include the discussion with Nicodemus, the ...
Imagine a hidden Bible chapter discovered 1,500 years after it was written. What's even stranger was where it was found, ...
In the Northwestern corner of Namibia lies the village of Opuwo. Its name means “end of the road” in Dhimba, the language ...
Some of best-known parts of the Christmas story aren't in the Bible ... this character does not appear in the Bible - and neither does the stable. 'Luke's gospel says only that "there was no ...