The objective of this course is to provide BME undergraduate students with concepts and skills required to develop an ability to visualize and understand the fundamental behavior of structures and ...
The course provides an overview of musculoskeletal anatomy, the mechanical properties and structural behavior of biological tissues, and biodynamics. Specific course topics will include structure and ...
The course will focus on methods to model biological tissues as non-linear, elastic, homogeneous, anisotropic, incompressible materials, and analyze human movement, including the impulse-momentum and ...
BME 366 provides an introductory overview of the broad field of movement biomechanics. BME 366 introduces the application of the mechanical engineering skillsets of rigid body kinematics and dynamics ...
Students will be introduced to the techniques and methods required for qualitative analysis of complex skills. The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the course. For example, in ...
For nearly a decade, we have been developing noninvasive imaging methods to assess multiscale biophysics and biomechanics of soft tissues. Our main goals in this area of research are to provide tools ...
Traditional career pathways have broadened into new opportunities in biomechanics, high-performance computing, infrastructure systems, materials, and frontiers of human-machine interfaces for the ...