Biventricular pacing is an excellent option for certain patients with advanced HF. Also known as “cardiac resynchronization therapy,” biventricular pacing has been shown to improve HF symptoms ...
They underwent a 30- to 60-day run-in period during which RV pacing was delivered, and they were then randomized in a 1:1 fashion to biventricular pacing or RV pacing. A total of 809 patients were ...
When atrial fibrillation is present with systolic heart failure, AV node ablation may be required for a biventricular pacemaker to work efficiencly. The QRS complex occurs at random intervals ...
The upper tracking rate should be set to higher values than the default 120 beats per minute (bpm) (e.g., to 140-150 bpm), in order to ensure biventricular pacing during rapid heart rates ...