Therefore, bones are not solid all the way through or there would be no place for the marrow to reside. The outer layer of bone, known as condensed bone, is hard and dense to provide the structure and ...
Bone marrow is a semi-solid tissue found within the spongy (also known as cancellous) portions of bones. In birds and mammals, bone marrow is the primary site of new blood cell production (or ...
Bone marrow is the deep, interior portion of your bone. Your bone marrow, which has a spongy consistency ... sample content can be examined with a microscope. The symptoms of bone marrow disease ...
A specialist doctor called a pathologist looks at the sample under a microscope. It is the only way to find out for sure if ... A bone marrow biopsy is a test to check whether there are cancer cells ...
These blood cells are made in your bone marrow -- the spongy material inside your ... In this test, a sample of your blood is examined under a microscope. It checks the number, shape, and size ...
Inside most of your bones is a soft, spongy tissue called bone marrow. Here, your body makes hundreds of thousands of red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells every day. Plasma cells ...