New photograph captures breathtaking sight of history-making Boom Supersonic's XB-1 passenger plane as it hits supersonic ...
Boom Supersonic的“序曲”号超音速客机,计划搭载64至80名乘客,并以1.7马赫速度持续巡航,最大航程达到7867公里。这使得长途旅行得到进一步的提升,实际上,无论是商务出行还是旅游,乘客的旅行时间都有望大幅缩短。对于航段相对较长的国际航线,这种技术的应用将使得跨国旅行变得更加便捷,乘客体验将得到显著改善。
中国航空新闻网讯:据“飞行国际”3月3日报道,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)2月10日成功捕捉到了Boom公司XB-1超声速验证机在最后一次飞行中突破声障的瞬间。此次飞行是XB-1第二次以超过1马赫的速度飞行,也是该验证机为支持Overture客机开 ...
英法联合研制的“协和”式超音速客机在2003年停止运营后,新一代超音速客机何时能够重返蓝天备受航空业关注。美国国家航空航天局(NASA)证实,美国航空企业Boom ...
【环球时报综合报道】英法联合研制的“协和”式超音速客机在2003年停止运营后,何时能够有新一代超音速客机重返蓝天备受航空业关注。英国“飞行国际”网站4日称,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)证实,美国航空企业Boom ...
NASA and Boom Supersonic just released an incredible photo capturing a shockwave emanating from the dark silhouette of the supersonic XB-1 aircraft while it traveled in front of the sun during a Feb.
A newly released image shows the sound barrier being broken on February 10 as Boom Supersonic’s XB-1, America’s first civil ...
【美国航空企业BoomSupersonic公司研制的XB-1技术验证机试飞达超音速且无巨大音爆】 ...
A ground-based NASA team used Schlieren photography to capture and visualize the shock waves created by XB-1's supersonic ...
US aeronautics agency NASA managed to capture the Boom Supersonic XB-1 research aircraft as it broke the sound barrier during ...
But while the successful test flight of XB-1 shows that supersonic flight without sonic booms is technically feasible, the ...