Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, parts of the brain that are both linked to language, are typically located in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere controls the movement of the left side ...
“This provides an important change in our understanding of language comprehension in the brain,” Marek-Marsel Mesulam, lead study author and director of Northwestern’s Cognitive Neurology and ...
where speech production and parts of language are processed. So, to help patients with Broca's aphasia, scientists would likely need to record signals from other areas of the brain. In a new study ...
One of the areas that ballooned over the past few million years is the cerebral cortex, the wrinkly outer layer of the brain. It processes sensory information, coordinates our motion, and is in charge ...
A new study shows how the brain reorganises itself in the first few months after a stroke to improve the ability to speak again. The findings will help researchers understand how functional networks ...
A stroke can be devastating, especially when it affects the ability to speak. For many stroke survivors, speech improves over time, but until now, scientists did not fully understand how the brain ...
A few years later German neurologist Carl Wernicke identified a second language center farther back, in the brain's left temporal lobe. Patients with strokes or other damage to Wernicke's area are ...
The amygdala is the area of the brain responsible for processing emotions ... Swart also mentioned other body language techniques—handshakes, hugs, and cheek kisses—that also foster a sense ...
The team also found strong signals from a higher visual area called V4 to V1 ... input for neuroprosthetics to speak with the brain in its own language," explained Morales-Gregorio.