Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a horrifying incident at Purva Waterfall in Rewa, a young couple was assaulted, stripped naked, filmed, and robbed by four miscreants. The video of the incident was ...
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): An unusual incident was reported from Madhya Pradesh's Rewa, where a newly married woman demanded her dead husband's sperm from doctors at Sanjay Gandhi Hospital.
Bhopal: A 6-year-old boy lost his life after falling into an open septic tank in Shahpur village of Rewa district on Monday. The boy, identified as Siddharth, went missing around 3 pm, prompting ...
Joining the launch of the airport in Rewa was MP CM Dr Mohan Yadav, who also announced that for the next month, passengers between Rewa and Bhopal, will fly at Rs 999 fare only under the PM Shri ...