A Bristol University professor has ... people living there would find themselves trapped with the Floating Harbour in front of their homes, and the River Avon flooding the road behind, meaning ...
Avon Crescent was built by the City Docks Company around 1831, long before Underfall Yard’s 1888 improvements. This unusual ...
This new Masterplan shows developments of flats on the river bank over the top of ... over the Cumberland Basin entrance to Bristol’s Floating Harbour, was coming to the end of its life, and ...
Plans for the future of Bristol's Western Harbour have been updated in response to views from residents. Bristol City Council is now seeking feedback on a draft masterplan for the iconic area.
New data from Bristol City Council shows that levels of E-Coli in Bristol's Floating Harbour have high readings of the ...
This weekend an estimated 250,000 people will brave the heat to enjoy the Bristol Harbour Festival ... in a 'lagoon system' for parts of the Floating Harbour, and reclaiming the Feeder Canal.