▎药明康德内容团队编辑TRIMTECH Therapeutics今天宣布完成了3100万美元(2500万英镑)的种子轮融资。此次融资由剑桥创新资本(CIC)和SV Health Investors的痴呆症发现基金(DDF)领投,M Ventures和辉瑞创投(Pfizer Ventures)参与其中。其他投资者还包括礼来(Eli Lilly and Company)、MP Healthcare V ...
He’s also the founder and chief executive of CIC Health, a startup that spun out of CIC during the pandemic focused on COVID-19 testing and vaccination efforts. Rowe holds a B.A. from Amherst ...
Both IBS-C and CIC can affect not only a person’s health, but also their quality of life. Ignoring these conditions or refraining from seeking treatments for them can lead to serious complications.