Based on the provided CO2e emissions values, customers can make data-based investment decisions, which are in line with their ...
“CO2 and R1336mzz(E) are both non-flammable with GWP lower than 7.” The scientists conducted a series of simulations to assess the performance of the proposed refrigerant and considered its ...
Many high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants, spanning different chemical compounds, have already been phased out due to international protocols and regional and national regulations. This ...
Refrigerants Australia executive director, Greg Picker, addresses speculation about the availability and cost of refrigerants ...
If methane's impact is calculated over 20 years (GWP-20), it's about 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide because that's the timeframe before most of it has dissipated.
HFC-134a to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and its global warming potential. Daimler engineers discovered HFO-1234yf could spark a fire under the hood, with the potential to destroy the car ...